Affirmative Action & Equal Employment Opportunity

The employment policies and practices of WRK are to recruit and to hire employees without discrimination because of age, race, religion, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability or veteran status and to treat them equally with respect to compensation and opportunities for advancement, including upgrading, promotion and transfer.

WRK submits this plan to reaffirm its continued commitment to a program of equal opportunity and merit employment policies.

WRK agrees to assert leadership within the community and to put forth maximum effort to achieve full employment and utilization of the capabilities and productivity of all our citizens without regard to age, race, religion, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability or veteran status.

WRK further recognizes that the effective application of a policy of merit employment involves more than just a policy statement and will, therefore, undertake a program of affirmative action to make known that equal employment opportunities are available on the basis of individual merit and to encourage all persons to seek employment with the team and to strive for advancement on this basis.

Assignment of Responsibilities

There will be appointed within WRK an equal employment policy officer with the responsibility to implement the program. This official will coordinate the efforts of department heads and will advise and assist top management. He/she shall report to one of the Development Co-Leaders concerning the state of progress, with recommendations where appropriate.

The name, telephone number and address where the EEO Officer can be reached concerning any acts or alleged acts of discrimination will be available to all employees and will be posted on the bulletin board at the home offices as well as on bulletin boards on job sites.

Dissemination of Policy

WRK will take appropriate steps to ensure that all employees are advised of this policy of nondiscrimination and of its interest in actively and affirmatively providing equal employment opportunity such as:

1. Communication media, including bulletin boards, employee handbooks, discussions or films to orient new employees, and in-house publications will emphasize this subject.

2. All management and any others in a position to implement this policy, including those engaged in recruiting, training and other personnel activities will be fully advised of the policy and of their responsibilities with respect to it.

3. The WRK will establish a system of communication and feedback controls within all management and department levels to assure application of the policy throughout the entire team.


WRK will seek qualified minority and female group applicants for all job categories and will make particular efforts to increase minority and female group representation in occupations at the higher levels of skill and responsibility.

1. All schools, colleges, employment offices, and other recruiting sources used by WRK will be advised in writing of this policy, and will be urged to refer qualified minority and female group members.

2. Recruiting programs at schools and colleges will include those attended by substantial numbers of minority and female group members.

3. Where appropriate, employment advertisements will be placed in newspapers, which are widely read by, and devoted to the interests of, minority and female groups. In addition, WRK will request appropriate minority and female group agencies to assist in making known the team’s policy and will advise such groups of available employment referrals from present employees.